A Mothers Worst Nightmare



She fell to her knees. In that moment she could feel her heart stop. The cold winter air surrounded her and drained every ounce of warmth from her soul.
Lifting her head, she looked up at the imposing figure standing in front of her.

“Are you sure?” she asked

“Yes Mrs Brady, I’m sorry to say but your daughter passed away. The burns she received were just too much for her little body.” replied Dr Waylen

“You mean I’m too late?” she wept

In that moment she couldn’t help but blame her husband. It had only been six months since his passing but he had left her and the five children destitute and alone. She had no choice but to put her children in separate boys and girls orphanages in Perth, 220 miles away from their home town of Dongara.

Mary had planned to leave earlier on the long journey from Dongara to visit her boys and check in on her daughter after hearing of the accident two weeks ago that left her with burns to her right side when her clothing caught fire. William Cardwell who had been such great support to her over the last six month had organised the use of a horse and cart for the journey. He also had lost his partner not long before.

Leaning in with a supporting hand Dr Waylen helped Mary to her feet. Gesturing toward a closed door he asked. “Would you like to see the body?”





Want to learn more about Elizabeth May BRADY or her mother Mary Frances BRADY (nee DEE)

Trove, News of the Day. (1887, June 2). The Daily News (Perth, WA), p. 3.

Trove, News of the Week. (1887, August 3). The Inquirer & Commercial News (Perth, WA), p. 3.


HAA004 Writing Family History
Week 2 E-tivity – Hooking the Reader
Length – No more that 250 words
University of Tasmania
Darryl Brady
Student ID: 425182

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