Date |
Event(s) |
1 | 1665 | - 1665: The Great Plague of London was the last major epidemic of the bubonic plague to occur in the Kingdom of England killing an estimated 100,000 people, about 20% of London's population.
2 | 1666 | - 2 Sep 1666: Great Fire of London.
3 | 1688 | - 1688: William Dampier becomes the first Englishman to land on West Australian soil. (Cygnet)
4 | 1696 | - 1696: Willem de Vlamingh lands on Rottnest and explores and names the Swan River.
5 | 1699 | - 1699: Return of Dampier in the Roebuck, exploring from Broome to the Pilbara. During this time the Portuguese in Timor raid the Kimberley for Aboriginal slaves.
6 | 1704 | - 1704: Johann Sebastian Bach began composing music