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FREE Descendants DNA Testing

Can any of the Descendants of Alfred FREE's seven children over two marriages help with DNA testing to solve - Who is his biological father?
We have DNA tested
NIL Emma FREE’s DARCY line
1x Charles FREE’s line
1x Elsie FREE’s WADE line
6x Arthur FREE’s line
1x Violet FREE’s BENNIER line
Tell us what you know     |     More information: Alfred FREE
Convict John; James; Frederick Joseph BRADY #3944 & 10021

William George BRADY never talked about his Convict Father and so not much was know about him other that the convict records.
DNA has helped link him to a BRADDY/BRADY family from London, England and more DNA testers are wanted to help with tracing this line.
If you have any link to this convict please contact me.
Tell us what you know     |     More information: Frederick BRADY
Mary Frances DEE

Looking for anyone that may have a picture of Mary!

Also if anyone has a copy of her Birth or Death Certificate that would be great also.
Tell us what you know     |     More information: Mary Frances DEE
Beasly - Beasley - Stevens - Stephens

Looking for the parents of Anne Alice Beasly "Beasley" 1835-1919 ? I have a John listed but no other info. Anne arrived 24 June 1862 to Fremantle Per "Mary Harrison" and married John Stevens

One Story is:
The story passed down was that her mother died when she was young and her father remarried to a woman who treated her badly. At one time she was locked in the coal cupboard and either the fumes or fright caused her to fit. She aparently ran away from home and lived with the gypsies until she came to Australia. She was married within a month of arriving (I guess it was the only alternative in those days) she was know to the family as "little Granny" as she was tiny. She had 3 serviving children that I know of, Mary Ann, Louise Alice and William Henry. I believe she lost several babies including 2 sets of twins. A funny story passed down is that when her husband, John, was off mustering, she would sleep in a chair by the door. It didn't have a lock and the local aboriginals would come pilfering while the men were away. She kept a stick by her and if they opened the door she would hit them with it
Mrs Julie Claire Hayward (nee Hayes) - 2007
Tell us what you know     |     More information: Anne Alice BEASLEY
Mary Ann WATTERS - 5 June 1871

Nothing is known of Mary as her mother raised her son and its only now thru searching that the true info is starting to be found.
Anyone that can track her history down will be help me more than words can say.
I Dont have a death date or any idea of what may have happend to her?
Tell us what you know     |     More information: Mary Ann WATTERS

 Mystery Photos

BRANDIS - Brandis Wedding

If you can name the people in this photo please email me. Also if you have a better picture.
Tell us what you know     |     More information: BRANDIS - Brandis Wedding