1600 - Abt 1647 (47 years)
Date |
Event(s) |
1 | 1605 | - 1605: Pedro de Quiros coins the name Austrialia and reported on 'Terra Australis'.
2 | 1606 | - 1606: First documented landing by Europeans in Australia - Dutch, William Janszoon. (Duyfken)
3 | 1609 | - 1609: Galileo built a telescope with which he discovered the mountains on the moon, that the Milky Way consisted of innumerable stars, the four largest satellites of Jupiter, the phases of Venus and sunspots.
4 | 1616 | - 1616: Dirk Hartog makes the first confirmed landing on West Australian soil. (Eendracht)
5 | 1642 | - 1642: Abel Tasman discovers VanDiemen's Land (Tasmania)