Date |
Event(s) |
1 | 1896 | - 1896: Olympic Games revived in Athens.
2 | 1898 | - 1898: First motor car arrives in Perth, Western Australia.
- 1898: H. G. Wells publishes The War of the Worlds.
3 | 1900 | - 1900: The constitution is passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom as a schedule to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, and is given royal assent.
4 | 1901 | - 1901: Australia becomes a federation on 1 January. Edmund Barton becomes Prime Minister; the 7th Earl of Hopetoun becomes Governor-General.
- 1901: The Australian National Flag was flown for the first time.
- Jan 1901: Queen Victoria's death.
5 | 1904 | - 9 Nov 1904: In 1904, the first flight lasting more than five minutes took place on November 9. The Flyer II was flown by Wilbur Wright.
6 | 1905 | - 1905: Einstein evolved the Special Theory of relativity
7 | 1909 | - 16 Jan 1909: Ernest Shackleton\'s expedition finds the magnetic South Pole