Date |
Event(s) |
1 | 1821 | - 1821: Faraday publishes \'Principles of electro-magnetic rotation\'
2 | 1826 | - 1826: Edmund Lockyer arrives from NSW at Albany and establishes the first settlement in W.A. with troops and convicts.
3 | 1828 | - 1828: Captain James Stirling appointed Lieutenant-Governor of the Swan River Colony 'Headlines of History' by Ian Edwards
4 | 1829 | - 1829: Louis Braille invents his system of finger-reading for the blind
- 12 Aug 1829: City of Perth proclaimed.
5 | 1830 | - 6 Apr 1830: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is established.
6 | 1831 | - 1831: Faraday in the first in a series of Experimental Researches in Electricity discovered the means of producing electricity from magnetism i.e. electromagnetic induction the generation of an electric field by a changing magnetic field. This is the principle of the dynamo
- 1 Jun 1831: James Clark Ross discovers the North Magnetic Pole
7 | 1832 | - 1832: Swan River Colony has its name changed to Western Australia.
- 1832: Electric telegraph invented by Morse
- Sep 1832: Yagan was captured and sent to Carnac Island. He escaped 6 weeks later by taking the boat belonging to his captors. No attempt to recapture him was made, the six weeks being considered adequate penalty.
8 | 1833 | - 1833: Slavery Abolition Act bans slavery throughout the British Empire.
- 11 Jul 1833: Yagan is shot dead.
9 | 1836 | - 1836: First brewery established in Western Australia.
10 | 1839 | - 1839: Charles Goodyear invented vulcanized rubber
11 | 1840 | - 1840: New Zealand is founded, as the Treaty of Waitangi is signed by the Māori and British.
12 | 1841 | - 1841: The word "dinosaur" is coined by Richard Owen.
13 | 1845 | - 1845—1852: The Irish Potato Famine or the Great Famine was a period of mass starvation, disease and emigration, approximately 1 million people died and a million more emigrated from Ireland.
- 17 Mar 1845: The rubber band patented by Stephen Perry
14 | 1846 | - 10 Sep 1846: The sewing machine is patented by Elias Howe
15 | 1850 | - 1 Jun 1850: Ship Scindian arrives with first convicts for Swan River Colony, numbering 75.
16 | 1851 | - 1851—1861: Victorian gold rush.
17 | 1856 | - 1856: Neanderthal man first identified.
18 | 1859 | - 24 Nov 1859: Charles Darwin publishes \'The Origin of Species\'
19 | 1861 | - 1861—1865: American Civil War between the Union and seceding Confederacy.
20 | 1862 | - 20 Apr 1862: First pasteurisation test completed by Louis Pasteur and Claude Bernard
21 | 1864 | - 20 Aug 1864: Red Cross established - Twelve nations sign the First Geneva Convention
22 | 1865 | - 14 Apr 1865: Abraham Lincoln assassinated in Ford\'s Theatre by John Wilkes Booth
23 | 1866 | - 1866: Alfred Nobel patented dynamite
24 | 1868 | - 9 Jan 1868: Transportation of convicts from England to Australia ends. Last ship Hougoumont docked at Fremantle, Western Australia.
25 | 1870 | - 3 Jan 1870: Official acceptance of flag of Western Australia.
26 | 1876 | - 1876: Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone
- 1876: Nikolas August Otto designed the first four-stroke piston engine
27 | 1877 | - 1877: Edison invents microphone and phonograph
28 | 1878 | - 1878: Edison & Swan invent electric lamp
29 | 1880 | - 11 Nov 1880: Ned Kelly hung at the Melbourne Gaol.
30 | 1883 | - 1883: Statue of Liberty presented to USA by France
- 27 Aug 1883: Eruption of Krakatoa near Java - 30,000 killed by tidal wave
31 | 1884 | - 1884: Mark Twain publishes The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
- 31 May 1884: John Harvey Kellogg patents corn flakes
32 | 1885 | - 1885: Carl Benz builds the \'Motorwagen\', a single-cylinder motor car
- 1885: Gottlieb Daimler patents the world\'s first motorcycle
- 6 Jun 1885: First Australian rules football match played.
33 | 1886 | - 1886: "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" by Robert Louis Stevenson is published.
- 1886: Pharmacist John Styth Pemberton invents a carbonated beverage later named Coca-Cola
34 | 1887 | - 1887: Emile Berliner patents the gramophone
- 1887: An Australian cricket team is established, defeating England in the first Ashes series.
35 | 1888 | - 1888: Celluloid photographic film introduced
- 1888: Jack the Ripper murders occur in Whitechapel, London.
- 1888: Dunlop invents pneumatic tyre
- 1888: First box camera - George Eastman registers the trademark Kodak, and receives a patent for his camera which uses roll film