Abt 1666 - 1742 (~ 76 years)
Date |
Event(s) |
1 | 1666 | - 2 Sep 1666: Great Fire of London.
2 | 1688 | - 1688: William Dampier becomes the first Englishman to land on West Australian soil. (Cygnet)
3 | 1696 | - 1696: Willem de Vlamingh lands on Rottnest and explores and names the Swan River.
4 | 1699 | - 1699: Return of Dampier in the Roebuck, exploring from Broome to the Pilbara. During this time the Portuguese in Timor raid the Kimberley for Aboriginal slaves.
5 | 1704 | - 1704: Johann Sebastian Bach began composing music
6 | 1712 | - 1712: The Zuytdorp wrecked near Geraldton. Survivors are known to have landed, and the story of their welcome and preservation by local Aborigines was known as far south as Perth 122 years later.