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Descendants of James NOBLE

Male 1816 - 1875  (59 years)

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Father: Samuel NOBLE     (1795 Great Glemham, Suffolk, England - 1852 bur.Parham, Suffolk, England)
Mother: Martha FAIRWEATHER     (1796 Parham, Suffolk, England - 1874 Suffolk, England)

James NOBLE (1816 Suffolk, England - 10 Dec 1875 Framlingham, Suffolk, England)
Mary ELMER (26 Dec 1815 Barnham, Suffolk, England - 1905 Beckenham, Kent, England)
    └─ Horace NOBLE   (10 Mar 1849 Framlingham, Suffolk, England - 15 Jul 1912 Newmarket, Cambridgeshire, England)
      Emma Jane COOPER (9 Nov 1848 Newmarket, Cambridgeshire, England - 1946 Bournemouth, Dorset, England)
          └─ Robert NOBLE   (18 Apr 1879 Newmarket, Cambridgeshire, England - 1958 Acton, Suffolk, England)
            Mabel Jane LONG (21 Sep 1885 Windsor, Berkshire, England - 1969 Acton, Suffolk, England)
                └─ George Horace NOBLE   (12 Jun 1910 Newmarket, Cambridgeshire, England -
                    Sep 1973 Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland)
                  Lilian Norah KNOWLES (16 Nov 1911 Banbury, Oxfordshire, England - 5 Nov 1987 Scotland)
                      └─ Living  
Number of people in this chart: 11 (including 4 spouses and 2 parents) in 5 generations.
Links to charts that show additional descendants: 0
Lines that wrap to another line: 1
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