Ancestors of Albert Edward WARD

┌── Edward Thomas WARD

┌── William Ernest WARD
(1869 Aldeburgh, Suffolk, England - 29 Aug 1952 Mooliabeenee, Western Australia, Australia)

│ └── Maria KERSEY

Albert Edward WARD (Perth, Western Australia, Australia;30 Apr 1898 - 1986)
│ ┌── William KING
(Between 1825 and 1829 England - 22 Feb 1875 Perth, Western Australia, Australia)

└── Bertha Flora Annie KING
(1 Jan 1874 Middle Swan, Western Australia, Australia - 22 Jun 1926 Perth, Western Australia, Australia)

│ ┌── Thomas GLOVER
(Between 1768 and 1771 Surrey, England - Abt 1843 Barnes, Surrey, England)

│ ┌── William GLOVER
(Abt May 1798 Barnes, Surrey, England - 9 Dec 1880 Perth, Western Australia, Australia)

│ │ └── Mary BISS
(Abt 1768 - Abt 1836 Barnes, Surrey, England)

│ │
└── Eliza Louisa GLOVER
(1835 Perth, Western Australia, Australia - 17 Aug 1919 Midland Junction, Western Australia, Australia)

└── Lucy Palmer SMITH
(Abt 1804 Isle of Wight, England - 19 Apr 1896 Perth, Western Australia, Australia)