Ancestors of William Thomas STAPLES

┌── John STAPLES
(Abt 1815 - 31 Jul 1877)

┌── George STAPLES
(1834 Bickenhall, Somerset, England - 16 Mar 1898 Dongara, Western Australia, Australia)

│ └── Maria JEWELL
(Abt 1807 - Sep 1884)

William Thomas STAPLES (1883 Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia - 16 Nov 1955 Inglewood, Western Australia, Australia)
│ ┌── William BUFTON
(Abt 1810 Portsmouth, Hampshire, England - 14 Feb 1869 Perth, Western Australia, Australia)

└── Rachel BUFTON
(24 May 1843 Portsmouth, Hampshire, England - 25 May 1884 Perth, Western Australia, Australia)

└── Hannah WILTSHIRE
(Between 1811 and 1818 - 10 Nov 1880 Perth, Western Australia, Australia)