Frome, South Australia, Australia

Wikipedia links for
Frome, South Australia, Australia
[Frome] [South Australia] [Australia]

Latitude: -30.6965975, Longitude: 139.8137871


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 MCNEIL, Belinda Bessie  1886I48930

Birth Record

Matches 1 to 9 of 9

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth Record    Person ID 
1 BARRETT, Sydney William  1891I878
2 DEMPEWOLF, Frederica Annie  1906I8454
3 GILL, Elizabeth Hannah  1887I34778
4 HALL, George Wilmington  1891I59224
5 HOLTHAM, Elizabeth Jane  1884I55706
6 LOXTON, Albert Edward  1875I52926
7 MCDONALD, Wilfred James  1896I33974
8 MCGILVRAY, Alexander  1886I124672
9 MCNEIL, Belinda Bessie  1886I48930