Mark Ivon KUPSCH

Name Mark Ivon KUPSCH Relationship with Rodney VOJVODICH Birth 1956 Victoria, Australia Gender Male Death Record 1956 Victoria, Australia #5484 Death 1956 Carlton, Victoria, Australia Siblings 1. Living Patriarch & Matriarch Johann Christian KUPSCH, b. 1808, Radnica, Prussiad. 1882, Collingwood, Victoria, Australia
(Age 74 years) (3 x Great Grandfather)
1 sister Half-siblings
2 half brothers (family of John David KUPSCH and Living) Half-siblings
2 half brothers and 2 half sisters (family of John David KUPSCH and Living) Person ID I18599 MyBradyTree
Father John David KUPSCH, b. 19 Sep 1934 d. 27 May 1991, Clayton, Victoria, Australia
(Age 56 years)
Mother Living Family ID F4248 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Event Map Click to hide Birth - 1956 - Victoria, Australia Death Record - #5484 - 1956 - Victoria, Australia Death - 1956 - Carlton, Victoria, Australia = Link to Google Earth
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Reference Your Name Here. "Mark Ivon KUPSCH". Brady Family Tree in Western Australia. (accessed March 28, 2025).