Trevor Anthony THOMAS
Generation: 1
1. Trevor Anthony THOMAS was born on 19 Mar 1955 (son of Charles Eric Edward THOMAS and Betty A. SAMUELS); died on 23 Sep 1989 in Leeton, New South Wales, Australia; was buried in 1989 in Leeton, New South Wales, Australia. Trevor married Living [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]
2. Charles Eric Edward THOMAS was born about 1925; died in DECEASED in Yarram, Victoria, Australia; was buried in Yarram, Victoria, Australia. Charles married Betty A. SAMUELS in UNKNOWN. Betty was born on 1 Oct 1929 in England; died in 1981. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]
3. Betty A. SAMUELS was born on 1 Oct 1929 in England; died in 1981. Children:
- 1. Trevor Anthony THOMAS was born on 19 Mar 1955; died on 23 Sep 1989 in Leeton, New South Wales, Australia; was buried in 1989 in Leeton, New South Wales, Australia.
- Living
- Living