So the family tree has it’s Main Web Site, Facebook page, Twitter account and now the new blog. I receive information from people via standard email, submitted online worksheets and logged in user submissions at the web site. Some of the tweets have been shared and this would help direct people to the site. The Facebook page is a good source of conversation and the new blog has had a few comments so I think this will give people a voice.
What I’m after is some guidance on what people want to see and what info is most important to the regular visitors to the Brady Family Tree. Below I have created a few questions to give you the chance to have input into the process and also so i can gauge if I’m on the right track.
Please feel free to do one or all of the polls and leave a comment. DON’T keep the tree a secret, it grows by referral. SHARES and LIKES on our Facebook page would also be really appreciated. DO tell everyone that may link to the tree to check it out.

I used to be up to the moment with technology but the past two years have left me behind. Email is the best way of communicating since I have retired. I think your family page is excellent and by having communication levels available like this will only help open the doors of the past. Congratulations on your efforts and keep up the good work.
Kindest Regards
Frank Rae
Thanks Frank, Yes it’s hard to keep up with the changes and finding new ways to encourage feedback, getting people involved and having them want to return to a site amongst the millions of other sites is always a challenge. I also feel that direct email is the easiest but the new generations are into blogging, Facebook, Twitter… so as they say “If you can’t beat them, join them!”